
In the period from January 31 to February 11, 2022, 39 cases were registered by the Environmental Protection and Mining Inspection Body of which 37 were estimated to have caused damage to the environment in the amount of AMD 15,842,380.
In 6 cases recorded in the past, the damage caused to the environment in the amount of 356,500 drams was calculated, an administrative fine in the amount of 250,000 drams was imposed. 

In particular:

The sphere of flora protection :
Environmental damage was caused in the amount of 15,841,380 drams. 
In 4 cases recorded in the past, the damage caused to the environment in the amount of 287,500 drams was calculated, an administrative fine in the amount of 200,000 drams was imposed.

The sphere of wildlife protection:
In 1 case, the damage caused to the environment in the amount of 1,000 drams was calculated. 
In 1 case recorded in the past, the environment was damaged in the amount of 69,000 drams.

The sphere of protection of air and water, waste disposal, use and protection of land:
2 cases have been registered: 
In one of the previously registered cases, an administrative fine of 50,000 drams was imposed.

About inspections
During the reporting period, the head of the EPMIB gave 9 instructions to conduct an audit, of which: 
     3 - Subsurface use,
     2 - Provision of hotels and similar places to stay
     1 - SHPP
     1 - Installation, transportation, waste disposal,
     1 - production,
     1 - services for the provision of restaurants and mobile catering facilities.

According to the results of 6 earlier inspections, 19 decisions on administrative fines in the amount of 1,290,000 drams were drawn up, damage to nature in the amount of 489,428 drams was calculated.  One instruction was given to eliminate violations.
6 cases were sent to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia (a total of 581,120 drams). 
During the specified period, the State Budget of the Republic of Armenia received 1,195,000 drams of the Republic of Armenia.