It is planned to prevent illegal water use of underground water resources and illegal fishing or extraction of whitefish

It is planned to prevent illegal water use of underground water resources and illegal hunting or extraction of whitefish.
Tigran Gabrielyan, Deputy Minister of Environment, presented for the first reading at the regular session of the Standing Committee on Territorial Administration, Local Self-Government, Agriculture and Environmental Protection of the National Assembly on January 31, "On Amendments and Amendments to the RA Water Code", "On Administrative Offenses in the RA Code" on making additions and amendments" and the legislative package "on making additions to the RA Criminal Code".
The draft laws were developed taking into account the catastrophic state of the Ararat artesian basin as a result of climate change in the Ararat basin, as well as human economic activities (including illegal ones). The need to accept the projects also stems from the demand for sustainable use of living resources and preservation of biodiversity in Lake Sevan.
in case of termination of water use from the well, a requirement to carry out the liquidation or conservation works of the well by an organization with a hydro-construction permit,
a ban is planned for the reopening of dissolved wells, and also for the reopening of conserved wells without a water use permit,
By order of the Minister of Environment, the list of communities of Ararat and Armavir marzes covering the Ararat valley will be specified.
Differentiated administrative penalties are provided for cases of illegal water use from surface and underground water resources, as well as strict administrative responsibility for reopening dissolved wells or using water from underground water resources without a water use permit or drilling for this purpose or reopening conserved wells, as well as water use from Artesian (pressure) waters. in case of not fulfilling the requirements of the water use permit,
criminal responsibility is provided for:
to reopen dissolved wells or to use water from underground water resources without a water use permit or to drill a well for water use without a water use permit or to reopen conserved wells without a water use permit, if this caused large-scale property or other significant damage to the rights of a person or organization, the legal interests of society or the state , from the existing articles of responsibility, the cases intended for whitefish were separated and stricter measures of responsibility were established for them; For illegal hunting or illegal extraction of whitefish, the amount exceeding AMD 150,000 was considered a large amount of damage.